Revelation 9:13-21 "The Sixth Trumpet: A Demonic Calvary"
Pastor: Brian Henson Series: Revelation Topic: Eschatology Scripture: Revelation 9:13–21
Last week we looked at the fifth trumpet judgment of a horde of demonic locusts. The unusual nature of the locusts as John describes them make it difficult (if not impossible) for us to say for certain what they are (literal but unordinary locusts, some kind of military force such as biological warfare, or psychological and physical demonic torment).
The same can be said for the sixth trumpet releasing a demonic calvary. The main difference is the “locusts” could only harm but not kill; the massive demonic calvary is released for the express purpose of killing. Thus, continuing to demonstrate that the judgments are increasing in severity.
Verse-By-Verse Notes
Verses 13 & 14
- The “voice” (one voice in Greek) could possibly be the voice of God or the Lamb (or of an angel). Certainty is out of reach.
- The four angels are demons bound at the Euphrates River – an important river in the Bible. It is mentioned 35 times and appears at the beginning of history in Eden (Genesis 2:14 and here at the end of history in Revelation (9:14; 16:12).
- The first sin (Adam and Eve in Eden) and the first murder (Cain & Abel) took place near the Euphrates. The great rebellion at Babel (Genesis 11) was also near the Euphrates, so it should not surprise us that there is a strong demonic presence associated with it.
Verse 15
- Notice the emphasis on the sovereignty of God over history. The demon angels were prepared for this purpose and released precisely when God ordained their release.
- The mission of the four demonic angels was to kill one-third of the global population. Combined with the quarter that was killed by the fourth seal (Revelation 6:8), this is one-half of the global population dead.
Verses 16 & 17
- The nature of the demonic calvary/army is difficult to determine. It could possibly be: a literal demonic calvary just as John describes it; OR a symbolic description of the instruments of modern warfare (tanks, gunships, bombers, etc.)
- We should avoid needless speculation about the exact nature of the army. Two facts are certain: 1) it is demonic in origin; and 2) it is devastating.
- The number is 200 million. It could be a literal number or an indefinite number John “hears” that describes an immense force that could possibly be much more than 200 million.
Verses 18 & 19
- The three “plagues” (fire, smoke, and brimstone) are not viral plagues, but refer to the devastation wreaked by the demonic army.
- Notice it was the horses, not the horsemen that caused death, possibly indicating that these verses symbolically do in fact refer to instruments of modern war. (See comments above)
Verses 20 & 21
- The refusal of those remaining alive to repent of their wickedness is a shocking assessment of the sinfulness of humanity.
- Demonic deception will be so strong during this time that repentance will almost be impossible. See 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
- Long before God literally and physically judges sinful man, he gives man over to his sin so that even in judgment he refuses to repent.
- Robert Mounce: “Once the heart is set in its hostility toward God not even the scourge of death will lead people to repentance. Although one-third of humankind is massacred by the demonic calvary, those that remain continue to worship the very malignant forces that are bringing about their destruction. Such is the delusion of sin.”
Notable Quotes:
- Robert Mounce: “The sixth trumpet-plague (the second Woe) is even worse [than what precedes it]. Now demonic calvary, two hundred million strong, come charging across the scene of history. From their lionlike heads come fire, smoke, and sulfur, and with their tails they inflict lethal damage. A third of the unbelieving world falls before their murderous assault. Those who remain do not repent of their idolatry and immoral lifestyle but continue their idolatrous worship of gods made by their own hands. Nowhere will you find a more accurate picture of sinful humanity pressed to the extreme. One would think that the terrors of God’s wrath would bring rebels to their knees. Not so. Past the point of no return, they respond to greater punishment with increased rebellion. Such is sinful nature untouched and unmoved by the mercies of God.”[1]
- A. Criswell: “One of the strangest things about human nature is that man has not changed because of punishment.… He may desist from evil because he is afraid, but his heart is still evil. He would do evil if he could get by with it. A man is really changed only by the Gospel of the grace of the Son of God.”[2]
[1] Robert H. Mounce, The Book of Revelation, New International Commentary on the New Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997), 193.
[2] Daniel L. Akin, Exalting Jesus in Revelation, ed. Daniel L. Akin, David Platt, and Tony Merida, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2016), Re 9:20–21.
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