November 20, 2024

Revelation 11:15-19 "The Seventh Trumpet: He Shall Reign Forever"

Pastor: Brian Henson Series: Revelation Topic: Eschatology Scripture: Revelation 11:15–19

Lesson Handout


Revelation 11:15-19 is the unfolding of the seventh trumpet (the third woe – see 8:18; 9:12; & 11:14). These verses are significantly clearer than the previous section that dealt with the nature of the temple and the identity of the two witnesses. The point is clear: Christ wins.

Verse-By-Verse Notes

Verses 15 & 16

  • - This is heaven’s “victory shout” at Christ’s ultimate and final victory over sin, sinners, Satan, death, and hell.
  • - The seventh trumpet should be understood as a summary of the remainder of redemptive history, including the bowl judgments, millennial kingdom, subsequent rebellion, and final judgment.
  • - The “Hallelujah Chorus” of George Fredrick Handel’s “Messiah” is taken from this passage. Handel’s “Messiah” is widely and overwhelmingly regarded as one of the finest musical compositions in world history.
  • - The 24 elders collapse in worship at the announcement of victory of Christ.

Verse 17

  • - The phrase “begun to reign” is noteworthy because it captures the essence of the “already, not yet” dimension of redemptive history. Christ is reigning already, but His reign is not yet fully realized.
  • - The “already, not yet” tension in Scripture is the way God progressively unfolds His sovereign plan over the course of all redemptive history.
  • - The significance of this verse is that the already has finally become the now.

Verse 18

  • - The remainder of the tribulation judgments and the final rebellion against Christ at the end of the millennial reign are captured in the phrase “your wrath came.”
  • - When man has launched his final assault against the reigning Christ, Jesus will finally and ultimately vindicate the saints throughout all of history and finally and ultimately destroy Satan and all sinners. This points forward to the final judgment.

Verse 19

  • - This verse serves two likely purposes:
  • 1) It captures the response of heaven to the announcement of Christ’s ultimate victory and destruction of everything wicked so that the ark of the covenant (synonymous with God’s presence) parallels with the victorious reign of the “Lord and his Christ” (verse 15), and the lightning, thunder, earthquake, etc., parallel His judgment and wrath on the wicked.
  • 2) It also sets the stage for what John sees in chapter 12.

other sermons in this series

Dec 18


Revelation 12:7-17 "War In Heaven"

Pastor: Brian Henson Scripture: Revelation 12:7–17 Series: Revelation

Dec 11


Revelation 12:1-6 "The Woman & The Dragon"

Pastor: Brian Henson Scripture: Revelation 12:1–6 Series: Revelation

Nov 13